Pond & Lake Life Cycle
February 10, 2016
Ponds and lakes go through a natural aging process, and considering the “goal” of the erosion process is to fill in low areas with eroded earth from tall areas, the progression eventually fills in the pond or lake. In other words, nature’s goal is to turn your pond into land. Also, each pond or lake has several segments or zones.
Introduction to Aquatic Plants
February 10, 2016
Despite often being the #1 complaint of many pond owner’s, aquatic plants do serve a vital purpose in any pond ecosystem. Learn why in this article.
Improve Retention Pond Performance
February 10, 2016
There are some things you can do to ensure your retention or detention pond is functioning efficiently. Learn how in this article.
Common Floating Plant Identification
February 10, 2016
Learn how to identify the most common types of floating aquatic plants.
Common Emergent Aquatic Plants
February 10, 2016
Emergent aquatic plants can be desirable or undesirable depending on balance and what you like to see. Often times, emergent vegetation can be very beneficial as a nutrient buffer.
Common Aquatic Plant Treatments
February 10, 2016
There are a number of ways to manage and treat aquatic plants. This article outlines some of the common ways to manage aquatic plants and how they work.
Aeration Efficiency & Types of Devices
February 10, 2016
There are many types of methods to introduce oxygen to water through the process of aeration. Learn about some methods in this article.
Ways to Prevent Nutrients and Erosion from Filling in Your Pond
February 10, 2016
Ponds will fill in with both organic and inorganic sediment which will diminish the depth of your pond through the years. There are some key features to out-of-water design that will keep your pond younger, longer.