Latest RobustAire™ Diffused Aeration

Preparing Your Pond for Winter

November 13, 2017

Help your pond through the winter by using our 5 winter pond care tips. Removing debris and removing your aeration unit are just a few steps you can take.

Clean Your Air Compressor Filter

November 12, 2017

Taking steps to keep your air compressor filter clean will help your Teich-Aire™ air compressor running all season long. Read our blog to learn more.

Deeper Diffusers Perform Better

November 3, 2017

As a general rule, the deeper your diffusers are placed in your water the better. This allows the system to move more water and increase oxygen introduced.

Protecting Your Fish This Winter

October 25, 2017

Cold temperatures are here, so it’s time to think about protecting your fish. The key is to maintain proper oxygen levels by keeping ice open. Read how.

The Practical Guide on Pond Sludge

August 30, 2017

If you notice a mucky layer on your pond bottom, you’ve got a pond sludge problem. Learn why this is happening and what you can do about it.

Tools to Help Measure Your Pond

August 14, 2017

Knowing how big your pond is and its accurate measurements is critical in properly sizing and placing aeration systems. Tools like Google Maps can help determine your ponds important measurements.

3 Most Common Types of Pond Algae

July 31, 2017

That may not be algae in your pond! Learn how to identify the 3 most common types of algae found in ponds and you need to do about it.

How Aeration Helps Aquatic Plant Problems

July 31, 2017

Read how aeration is an integral part of your entire pond ecosystem and how it can be a tool to effectively manage aquatic plant growth.