De-icing 101 - Back to the Basics

September 9, 2024

Remember where your diffusers are placed as the seasons change. Summer placement can be very different than winter placement. Read more to find out why.

Fish in the WInter Diffuser Placement Recommendations
October 22, 2018
Remember where your diffusers are placed as the seasons change. Summer placement can be very different than winter placement. Read more to find out...
Kasco Industrial Dock Mount Redesign Industrial Dock Mount Redesign
October 17, 2018
Kasco is excited to release a newly redesigned, stronger industrial dock mount. Read more...
Kasco Launches New Imaging Program Kasco Launches New Imaging Program
October 11, 2018
See what a Kasco unit would look like in your pond with the Virtual Product Viewer. Try it...
Kasco Robust-Aire Diffused Aeration Kasco Redesigns RobustAire Diffuser
August 23, 2018
Kasco's redesigned RobustAire diffuser is stainless steel and will land right upright every...
Kasco Celebrates 50 Years in Business Kasco Celebrates 50 Years in Business
June 26, 2018
From a garage to 80,000+ sq. ft. of office and warehouse space, Kasco has come a long way in 50...
Kasco Marine J-Series Linden Fountain Nozzles Testimonials 3 Key Tips to Reinstalling Your Kasco Unit
April 13, 2018
It's finally spring and time to put your Kasco fountain, aerator or circulator back in the water. Follow these key tips to successfully reinstall your kasco...
Using Kasco De-Icers Tips on Using Kasco De-Icers
November 27, 2017
From protecting docks, to keeping water open, here are common uses for Kasco de-icers along with our best advice on how to get the best...
Preparing Pond for Winter Preparing Your Pond for Winter
November 13, 2017
Help your pond through the winter by using our 5 winter pond care tips. Removing debris and removing your aeration unit are just a few steps you can...