De-icing 101 - Back to the Basics

September 9, 2024

David Decaire, the engineer behind Kasco’s newly redesigned 2 – 7-1/2HP J Series Fountains, explains the details surrounding the project.

Kasco-JSeries-5-7-5HP-Birch Interview with the Engineer: 2 – 7-1/2HP J Series Fountain Redesign
March 31, 2021
David Decaire, the engineer behind Kasco's newly redesigned 2 - 7-1/2HP J Series Fountains, explains the details surrounding the project....
Water Quality in Storage Tanks Mixing Case Study on Water Quality in Storage Tanks
February 22, 2021
Read how Kasco teamed up with a water corporation in Indiana to test, evaluate and improve the quality of water in their storage...
Tank-Illustration-Wide Stratification Concerns in Water Storage Tanks
February 22, 2021
Stratification in water storage tanks happens as temperatures rise. Avoid issues by installing a powerful, active mixing...
Elevated Water Storage Why Should I Install a Water Storage Tank Mixer?
September 15, 2020
Improve water taste, reduce odor and prevent thermal stratification in your water storage tanks with Kasco's CertiSafe™ Tank...
Pool An Introduction to Chlorine Residuals
July 21, 2020
Smell chlorine? Learn the major causes of increased chlorine residual and how to reduce it with active...
Kasco J-Series Fountain Mahogany Kasco Fountain Redesign: J Series 2 – 7-1/2HP
June 25, 2020
In addition to the new 3/4 & 1HP J Series fountains launched last spring, we have redesigned the 2 – 7-1/2HP! Now experience increased performance,...
Interview with the Engineer: RobustAire™ Cabinet Redesign
June 8, 2020
Todd Dombrock, engineer behind Kasco's new 34% quieter and easier to maintain RobustAire™ systems, explains what went into the redesign project....
Nelson Earth Day Image Earth Day Celebrates 50 Years
April 22, 2020
April 22 marks the 50th Anniversary of Earth Day, a day in celebration of our planet and precious...