Are Your Fish Worried to Death Over Winter?
November 21, 2019
Winter in the north can be tough. Cold, snow, and ice can make for difficult travel and living conditions for all of us, but it can be deadly for your fish. Thick snow and ice cover will block sunrays from penetrating into the water, starving oxygen producing plants of critical UV light. With a physical […]
GFCI Knowledge That Can Save Lives
February 25, 2019
Knowing how GFCI’s work and their purpose will keep you and your customers safe. Read on to learn more.
Can I De-ice My Entire Lake?
November 14, 2018
For de-icing, it’s important to think about what you are trying to accomplish. A clearly defined goal will help attain the results you want.
Tips on Using Kasco De-Icers
November 27, 2017
From protecting docks, to keeping water open, here are common uses for Kasco de-icers along with our best advice on how to get the best results.
Preparing Your Pond for Winter
November 13, 2017
Help your pond through the winter by using our 5 winter pond care tips. Removing debris and removing your aeration unit are just a few steps you can take.
120V or 240V, Which is Better?
May 17, 2017
Are our 120V or 240V units cheaper to run? Which are more efficient? We’re often asked these questions, and the answers may surprise you.
Kasco De-Icer Helps With Boat Lift Retrieval
March 6, 2017
After finding their boat lift frozen under 2 ft. of ice, Kasco’s 1/2HP de-icer opened up the water’s surface to retrieve the lift from the frozen lake.
Kasco De-Icers Aren’t Just for Winter
May 25, 2016
Kasco de-icers are a great way to prevent ice formation and protect boats and docks in the winter, but these units provide aeration benefits even into the summer months.