Wonder what it might cost to run your Kasco equipment? Which equipment is the right size for your pond or lake? What length cord to order? Here are quick and easy tools to get you the answers you need.
Use this calculator to estimate the monthly and yearly electricity costs to run your Kasco equipment. Use your own kWH rates for the most accurate results.
Use this calculator to estimate the monthly and yearly electricity costs to run your Kasco equipment. Use your own kWH rates for the most accurate results.
Use this calculator to estimate the amount of Pond Probiotics needed to effectively treat your water. Quick-dissolving powder and water soluable bags should be reapplied every 2 – 3 weeks, Muck Pucks should be reapplied every 2 – 3 weeks, and Muck Blocks should be reapplied once every 30 days. Before application, water temperature must be 55 degrees Fahrenheit (13 degrees Celsius) or higher.
Verwenden Sie diesen Rechner, um ein ungefähres Maß für das quadratische Footage, Oberfläche Flächen, Hektar Füßen, und insgesamt Gallonen Wasser für Ihren Teich oder See. Sie müssen die Länge, die Breite, die durchschnittliche Tiefe und die allgemeine Form Ihres Teichs oder Sees für die genauesten Resultate kennen.
Verwenden Sie diesen Rechner, um die Gesamtlänge des Stromkabels zu schätzen, das Sie auf Ihrem Kasco Gerät benötigen.
Use this calculator to estimate the daily and monthly electrical costs to run your Kasco unit.