Kasco de-avisaren hjälper till med hämtning av båt lyft

Location: Northwestern Ontario

Application: Boat Lift/Dock

Details: Lake Application

Ice Thickness: 20-24″

Lake Depth: 8′

Outdoor Temperature (over a 4 day period): 5°C (41°F) during the daytime, 0°C (32°F) during the nighttime.


A customer’s boat lift unit experienced a break in a supporting cable, resulting in the unit falling into the lake. The customer returned after the lake had frozen to find the boat lift unit under 20-24 in. of ice.


Customer cleared snow and chipped out the railing closest to shore, but needed another solution to retrieve the boat lift.

Friday: A hole measuring 30 in. wide was cut out, and Kasco’s 1/2HP de-icer was placed in the opening approximately 2 ft. from the lake bottom.

Before and After


Tuesday (approximately 96 hours later): The de-icer had cleared away enough ice to safely remove the boat lift unit from the water.


The customer was able to remove the unit with no significant damage.

Customer Testimonial:

“We never would have rescued this without the de-icer. Thanks again, It’s a great product for application like this.”

More About Kasco De-Icers:

Using Kasco De-Icers

Tips för att förvara din Kasco de-avisaren