Is Tap Water Safe During the COVID-19 Outbreak?

The question, “Is my Tap Water Safe to Drink during COVID-19”, is currently being asked all over the country. The answer to this question depends on whether you’re obtaining your drinking water from public water systems, a private well, or a plastic bottle.

Public Water Systems

Water from a public water system is highly regulated under federal and state guidelines, so if this is where you are getting your drinking water, you’re safe from COVID-19. The chlorine that is used to disinfect public drinking water is enough to destroy the COVID-19 virus.

Federal and state regulations require stringent water quality testing and monthly reporting to state-level regulatory agencies, and this reporting is performed by certified water operators.

Glass of Water

For example, a Minnesota/Wisconsin Certified Operator has tested in biology, chemistry, hydraulics, math, regulations, and education in the operation and maintenance of a water system. The water system operator is required to obtain an annual refresher training and must renew a state-issued water operator license every three years. Consider your water operators as your water quality health experts.

Drinking from Well Water

On the other hand, when drinking water from a privately owned well, it’s up to the owner of that well to sample and test the water regularly. State certified water testing laboratories are in most major cities to make this accessible.

Is Bottled Water Safer than Tap Water?

Tap water is regularly tested to assure the quality of the water. However, bottled water quality is not regulated by the same government agency. Consumer confidence reports are required for tap water but not for bottle water. Bottled water quality is dependent upon the source of water, the filtering process, the container, and the bottling process used. People who operate bottling water facilities may or may not be tested and certified as professional water treatment operators. Bottled water is excessively more expensive than tap water, and it’s provided to consumers in plastic bottles that are made from petroleum products.

Kasco Marine Bottled Water

How Do Mixing Products Improve Water Quality?

Kasco provides cost-effective and environmentally safe products that can be installed in lakes, rivers, and ponds that improve water quality and aquatic life. Among these products is our NSF-approved Kasco CertiSafe™ Mixer that is used to increase overall water quality in potable (drinking) water storage tanks. These mixers produce higher water quality to consumers by reducing chemical and thermal stratification and improving taste and smell.

When considering where to obtain your next drink of water, tap water is most likely the safest and certainly the most economical choice.

For more information on drinking water and how our NSF approved CertiSafe™ Mixers can help, contact our support team and follow us on social media.

Elevated Water Storage


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