By: Raelyn Reinardy, Content Writer, and Kasco Engineering Staff | Published: February 22, 2024
AquatiClear™ Circulators are a great tool for maintaining clean shorelines and waterbodies by keeping them clear of floating weeds and debris. However, it’s important to acknowledge the safety concerns associated with electrical equipment and water. From design to usage, we are committed to ensuring the safety of our customers in all aspects of product ownership. In this article, we will walk through the safety measures Kasco implements in our products along with some general guidelines to follow.
Safety Precautions After Installation
At Kasco, the biggest safety precaution we stress to every customer is to NEVER enter the water when an AquatiClear unit is operating or even connected to a power source. AquatiClear Circulators are designed and built with safeguards in place, such as being completely sealed to prevent water from contacting any electrical parts and using underwater-rated power cords that suit the application. However, electricity is still flowing from the power source through a submerged power cord to the unit. Being in the water could lead to a shock hazard that can cause injury or death should these safeguards fail. It is a good idea to install signs around the area to warn everyone of the potential dangers.
A key feature of AquatiClear units is the custom designed propeller for optimal water flow. Although it is surrounded by a crown-like prop guard, the propeller is extremely sharp and can be considered a safety hazard for people or pets in the water. If you are using an AquatiClear Circulator to clear a swimming area, we recommend turning the unit off and lifting it out of the water before getting in. This will help to avoid getting any fingers, hair, swim toys, etc. caught in the propeller while swimming.
How Kasco Ensures Safety in AquatiClear Circulators
To enhance safety, AquatiClear Circulators are built and ETL Listed to comply with UL Safety Standards. This means that when these units are first designed, they undergo rigorous safety testing by a Nationally Recognize Testing Laboratory or “NRTL” to ensure they are safe to operate. Once the units are approved and become ETL Listed, the Kasco production team tests each AquatiClear unit for current leakage and ground continuity, as required by UL Safety Standards. This testing ensures any exposed metal parts are fully grounded to the power cord ground wire. This creates a safe pathway for any potential electrical faults, should they occur due to any damage or failure. Connection to a Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter (GFCI) on the shore is critical as it can detect any abnormal current flows and will turn off the power to prevent accidents.
Home Safety Measures for Electrical Equipment
While implementing safety measures throughout the unit assembly process is critical, it should not stop at the Kasco facility. Not everyone is a qualified electrician, but there are things you can do as a homeowner to ensure your environment is safe and your electrical equipment will function properly. First, make sure your circuit breaker, branch circuit wire, and wire gauge are all properly sized for your equipment. Second, avoid using extension cords as they are only intended for temporary use. Third, when setting up your AquatiClear unit, it’s important to use human-rated ground fault protection. All 120-volt, single-phase AquatiClear packages include a GFCI tester. It is important to use this tester on your outlet prior to installation and every month following, or as recommended by the GFCI manufacturer, to ensure the electrical service is operating correctly and that the GFCI is working as it should. You can read more about the importance of GFCI in our blog: GFCI Knowledge That Can Save Lives. It is also recommended to have a licensed electrician inspect your power source to ensure it is installed and operating correctly or install and verify a new power source if needed.
Overall, Kasco’s number one priority is safety, and this should always be top of mind when near water where electrical equipment is installed. From testing these units at the Kasco facility to providing these general guidelines, we recognize the responsibility to not only deliver high-quality products but also to promote safe practices in aquatic environments. When installed and used properly, AquatiClear Circulators are a safe and effective solution to keeping shorelines clean and beautiful all summer long.