Los nutrientes excesivos son #1 problema del estanque

By: Kasco Staff | Feb. 10. 2016

When asked what they biggest problem with their pond is, most will respond with something like algae or plant growth, foul odors, poor fish health, low oxygen levels, too much muck, etc. All of these, however, are symptoms and not really true causes of problems. When you move past the symptoms and get to the root of the problem, excessive nutrients are, by far, the #1 cause of pond “problems”.

Nutrients, and more specifically, phosphorus is the limiting factor in most aquatic plant growth. A pond that is covered in algae or aquatic plants is that way because it has too many nutrients available for that plant growth. Excessive nutrients and organic growth in a pond will lead to excessive organic matter that needs to be decomposed. This can lower oxygen levels through the decomposition process and also lead to foul pond odors due to anaerobic decomposition. Nearly all the major pond problems we are presented with can be traced back to this common cause.

Nutrients can enter a pond in a variety of ways from runoff to animal waste to grass clippings. Limiting this influx and treating what is already there is the best way to alleviate many of the common complaints people have with their ponds. Simply addressing the nutrient issue will leave the pond healthier and easier to manage.

The management approach, however, is often a varied one that incorporates several of the tools available such as aeration, physical options, pond design, and biological additives such as bacteria.