Author Archives: Megan Wolf
Industrial Dock Mount Redesign
October 17, 2018
Kasco is excited to release a newly redesigned, stronger industrial dock mount. Read more here.
Kasco Launches New Imaging Program
October 11, 2018
See what a Kasco unit would look like in your pond with the Virtual Product Viewer. Try it today!
Kasco Redesigns RobustAire Diffuser
August 23, 2018
Kasco’s redesigned RobustAire diffuser is stainless steel and will land right upright every time.
Kasco Celebrates 50 Years in Business
June 26, 2018
From a garage to 80,000+ sq. ft. of office and warehouse space, Kasco has come a long way in 50 years.
The Practical Guide on Pond Sludge
August 30, 2017
If you notice a mucky layer on your pond bottom, you’ve got a pond sludge problem. Learn why this is happening and what you can do about it.
Eliminate Water Tank Stratification
August 29, 2017
Efficiently mixing potable water tanks is key to maintaining water quality & preventing stratification. Our CertiSafe Mixer will help avoid these issues.
Circulator and Aerator Install – Before and After
August 4, 2017
Impressive aeration results after just 4 days of installing a surface aerator and water circulator, combined with Macro-Zyme and AquaRenew Dye. Read more!
Proper Fish Feeding Improves Growth Rates
June 28, 2017
Fish feeding may sound simple, but there are many factors like time of day, available oxygen and fish type to consider. Here is Kasco’s best advice on how to feed your fish.