Latest Pond Probiotics

What the Muck?! A Guide for Waterfront Owners on Enhancing Shoreline Health

January 11, 2024

Has your waterfront fallen victim to muck? Read this article to learn what muck is, how it accumulates, and the best approaches to combat it.

Back to Basics – Spring Pond Management Tips

March 27, 2020

These simple steps will keep your pond looking and smelling great this spring and summer.

Spring has Sprung – Time to Reinstall Your Kasco Units

May 14, 2019

Now is the time to reinstall your Kasco unit to ensure proper water quality during the warm months. Read why now is the best time to reinstall.

Featured Install: Texas Detention Pond

November 14, 2018

With a combination of aeration, beneficial bacteria & dye, this Texas detention pond was effectively cleaned up.

Den praktiska vägledningen om slam från damm

30 augusti 2017

If you notice a mucky layer on your pond bottom, you’ve got a pond sludge problem. Learn why this is happening and what you can do about it.

Cirkulationspump och luftare installera-före och efter

4 augusti, 2017

Imponerande luftning resultat efter bara 4 dagar för att installera en yta luftare och vatten cirkulationspump, kombinerat med Macro-zyme och AquaRenew Dye. Läs mer!

3 vanligaste typerna av damm alger

31 juli 2017

Det kan inte vara alger i din damm! Lär dig att identifiera de 3 vanligaste typerna av alger som finns i dammar och du behöver göra åt det.

Pond botten typer och din fisk Habitat

1 maj 2017

Your pond bottom is effecting your fish more than you think. By varying the material, you’ll be providing your fish with more areas for feeding, rest and reproduction.