Varje damm, sjö, eller vattenförekomst är unik och inte varje metod eller tillämpning av luftning kommer att fungera i varje damm. Det är viktigt att prata med någon som har erfarenhet och kunskap om luftningsanordningar för att avgöra vilken metod som är bäst för dig. Ofta gånger, situationer varierar beroende på geografisk region, så pratar med en lokal damm Management expert är till stor hjälp. Nedan följer några saker att tänka på när man köper luftning enheter.
• Underhåll – How much work are you going to have to do to keep this running properly?
• Säkerhets – Many of these devices have electricity in the water. Make sure to check all safety recommendations and buy equipment that is approved by organizations such as UL, CSA, or ETL.
• Enkel – Some devices can be very difficult to use and time consuming to assemble and install. Make sure you know what you are getting into.
• Timing – Check with your supplier of the aeration device on lead times for equipment. Some equipment can include substantial lead times which could cause problems when your fish and pond need aeration badly.
• Stöd & hjälp – Choosing an aeration device from a company that provides knowledgeable and helpful information on CORRECT sizing, maintenance, technical support, etc. is a major benefit when deciding on aeration.
• Kostnader – Some equipment can be quite costly, not only with initial purchase, but operating costs. Make sure you budget properly and find out how much the equipment will cost to buy and operate.