Five Tips for Fountain Care
April 6, 2023
Routine maintenance is the key to fountain care. Check out these steps to keep your fountain running at its best for years to come.
Interview with the Engineer: RobustAire™ Cabinet Redesign
June 8, 2020
Todd Dombrock, engineer behind Kasco’s new 34% quieter and easier to maintain RobustAire™ systems, explains what went into the redesign project.
Earth Day Celebrates 50 Years
April 22, 2020
April 22 marks the 50th Anniversary of Earth Day, a day in celebration of our planet and precious resources.
Spring has Sprung – Time to Reinstall Your Kasco Units
May 14, 2019
Now is the time to reinstall your Kasco unit to ensure proper water quality during the warm months. Read why now is the best time to reinstall.
Kasco Celebrates 50 Years in Business
June 26, 2018
From a garage to 80,000+ sq. ft. of office and warehouse space, Kasco has come a long way in 50 years.
3 Key Tips to Reinstalling Your Kasco Unit
April 13, 2018
It’s finally spring and time to put your Kasco fountain, aerator or circulator back in the water. Follow these key tips to successfully reinstall your kasco unit.
Preparing Your Pond for Winter
November 13, 2017
Help your pond through the winter by using our 5 winter pond care tips. Removing debris and removing your aeration unit are just a few steps you can take.
Clean Your Air Compressor Filter
November 12, 2017
Taking steps to keep your air compressor filter clean will help your Teich-Aire™ air compressor running all season long. Read our blog to learn more.