Installation du circulateur et de l'aérateur – avant et après

One of our reps just finished a great install of one of our water circulators and aérateurs de surface in Round Rock, TX.

The pond is in the back of a commercial property currently being developed. With a few lots already leased, the contractors needed a solution to clean up the pond while the site was still in development. The solution was a 3/4HP aerator and 3/4HP circulator paired with an Macro-Zyme Muck Block and AquaRenew Pond and Lake Dye.

The “before” photos below were taken after just 4 hours of installing the surface aerator and circulator and applying the Macro-Zyme and AquaRenew Dye. The “after” photos below are taken after 4 days of run time with great results!

If you would like to learn more about Kasco’s surface aerators, circulators, Macro-Zyme, AquaRenew Dye, and how these products compliment each other, contact us at 715-262-4488 or

Before Photos

Kasco Marine Surface Aerators AF Before 1

Kasco Marine Surface Aerators AF Before 2

Kasco Marine Surface Aerators AF Before-3

Kasco Marine Surface Aerators AF Before 4

After Photos – (Taken 4 days after install.)

Kasco Marine Surface Aerators AF After-1

Kasco Marine Surface Aerators AF After-1

Kasco Marine Surface Aerators AF After-3

Kasco Marine Surface Aerators AF After-4

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