Shallow Water Install Kits
Shallow Water Install Kit
Kasco’s Shallow Water Install Kit offers a wider range of installation options for AquatiClear Circulators. These kits eliminate the noise caused by the whirlpool that can form above the propeller when units are installed close to the surface. This allows AquatiClear Circulators to operate in shallow applications without disrupting the pond or lake bottom and without creating an audible whirlpool.
These kits are designed for use with dock-mounted AquatiClear units that are installed at 3 ft. or less from the water’s surface.
Shallow Water Install Kits are available for all AquatiClear sizes, fit any version of our Dock Mounts, and are purchased separately from AquatiClear units.
AquatiClear unit should be shut off and unplugged before entering the water. The GFCI protected circuit should always be used. It is essential to test any GFCI monthly to ensure proper operation. Check instructions for procedure.
Links to product files including specifications,
owner’s manuals, and other related documents
for Shallow Water Install Kits.
NEW Shallow Water Install Kits