Latest Algae & Other Aquatic Plants

Identificación de planta flotante común

10 de febrero, 2016

Aprenda a identificar los tipos más comunes de plantas acuáticas flotantes.

Plantas acuáticas emergentes comunes

10 de febrero, 2016

Emergent aquatic plants can be desirable or undesirable depending on balance and what you like to see. Often times, emergent vegetation can be very beneficial as a nutrient buffer.

Tratamientos de plantas acuáticas comunes

10 de febrero, 2016

There are a number of ways to manage and treat aquatic plants. This article outlines some of the common ways to manage aquatic plants and how they work.

Beneficios y problemas con algas de estanque

10 de febrero, 2016

Algae plays a critical role in your pond health, but an imbalance can be catastrophic to your overall pond health. Learn more about algae along with its benefits and issues in this article.

Tratamientos comunes de algas en estanques

10 de febrero, 2016

There are several available methods for algae control and prevention. Each has a slightly different way of attacking algae and some may work better in different situations.

Cómo la aireación mejora los problemas de alga

10 de febrero, 2016

Specifically when dealing with algae, aeration can have a significant impact on the algae and related pond health even if it isn’t considered a direct treatment for algae.